Saturday, 28 December 2024

Stellar Assault (32X)


 One of the (very) few games that stands out of one of the shining stars of the 32X's library is the port of Star Wars Arcade. So to make another 32X game in the same genre must either be a cynical attempt to cash in on that game's success, or a misguided attempt to try and compete with a game that has the advantages of being a tiw-in to a big mainstream movie series (though as has been forgotten by popular culture, Star Wars' cultural cache was probably at its all-time lowest in the first half of the nineties, it was still a hefty name to throw around), as well as being a port of an acclaimed arcade game and having some of the best graphics on the system.


But while Stellar Assault (also known as Shadow Squadron) might not seem like it has anything to offer in Star Wars' wake, it's still a pretty good game with plenty of its own charm. The graphics, for example, are a lot simpler and significantly less impressive than those of Star Wars, despite coming out a year later, but there's just something about these big spaceships silently floating in mostly empty space that creates a lot of atmosphere (ironically, since they're in space). Furthermore, there's some really cool stylisitc thigs in there too, like the start of the first stage, that sees your ship getting launched from a gigantic curved space elevator thing. I also like the constant presence of the sun, that you seem to get slightly closer to in each stage, and again: though it's just a flashing bright circle in the distance, it somehow feels a little more real in its understatedness.


The stages themselves are pretty simple, all of them being just "destroy all of the enemy ships", with some interesting enemies appearing on certain stages like the massive Accel Gate on the second stage, that sucks your ship in, to shoot it out of the other side like a projectile if you get too close to its opening. This doesn't actually damage you, but the first time it happens it's a pretty exciting and disorienting surprise. Mostly, though, there's a bunch of enemy fighters flying around, and a few larger ships just lurking about. The bigger ships are interesting in that you shoot parts off of them before they're fully destroyed, so you can tactically shoot off a bunch of ther guns as you go, if they're hassling you while you try to take down their fighter escorts.


Along with the games itself, there's a few interesting features that really give the game away as an early polygon-based game, and that that was something about which the developers were excited. There's a model viewer, which lets you spoil some surprises by looking at every 3D model in the game at your leisure (the aforementioned Accel Gate filling the whole screen in this mode!), as well as a mode that lets you change the colour schemes of not only the player ship, but also the enemy fleet. Make them the same, and pretend you're a pilot who's gone rogue and turned on your masters!


Stellar Assault is a pretty good game! Despite its simplicity I've enjoyed what it has to offer, and I think the visuals work really well in a fin example of "less is more". While researching this post, I also found out that there's a Saturn port/remake/sequel (I'm not sure which), so I guess I'll look into that at some point in the future, too.

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